$79.00 USD

Motivational Interviewing for effective communication with TEACHERS and other PROFESSIONALS

As ABA therapists, we preach about the importance of teaching functional communication skills to our clients but we sometimes lack the appropriate communication skills needed to consult with teachers and other professionals.

How do we improve our communication so that we form better relationships and obtain “BUY IN”?

What you'll get:

  • Assess teacher’s and other professionals motivation.
  • Provide examples of effective change talk strategies to develop and build collaborative relationships.
  • Identify 4 processes of MI.
  • Describe key features of effective MI strategies.
  • Identify key features necessary for cooperative relationships between clinicians and other professionals.

In this 2 hours course, I will discuss some of the barriers that prevent teachers and professionals from adhering to interventions and the main characteristics of a “good” consultant. I will also present the proven strategies of MI to decrease discord (aka "resistance") and increase cooperation between clinicians and teachers and other professionals. We will discuss how to use the core skills and principles of MI in each of the four MI processes of (engagement, focusing, evoking and planning).





The Behavior Analyst Certification Board®️ does not warrant, endorse, sponsor, approve or partner with the CE events, this organization, or instructors. (Note that the above disclaimer does not mean that the BACB disapproves these products. They simply don't endorse or are responsible for any CEU products or events). Crystal Minds New Beginning is an approved Learning CEU provided.

What People Are Saying:

I really enjoyed this training! I feel I can immediately apply the information in my practice tomorrow

Laura D. Clark, MS, BCBA

"I am always looking for new ways to communicate effectively with caregivers, and am so excited to put some of these MI strategies to use! I really loved the written examples and videos you used during the presentation. It was so helpful to see the strategies being applied as I am such a visual learner!"

Alexa Landman, BCBA